Deepscores Dataset
We present the DeepScores dataset with the goal of ad- vancing the state-of-the-art in small objects recognition, and by placing the question of object recognition in the context of scene understanding. DeepScores contains high
quality images of musical scores, partitioned into 300 0 000 sheets of written music that contain symbols of different shapes and sizes. With close to a hundred millions of small objects, this makes our dataset not only unique, but also the largest public dataset. DeepScores comes with ground truth for object classification, detection and semantic segmenta- tion. DeepScores thus poses a relevant challenge for com- puter vision in general, beyond the scope of optical music recognition (OMR) research. We present a detailed statis- tical analysis of the dataset, comparing it with other com- puter vision datasets like Caltech101/256, PASCAL VOC, SUN, SVHN, ImageNet, MS-COCO, smaller computer vi- sion datasets, as well as with other OMR datasets. Finally, we provide baseline performances for object classification and give pointers to future research based on this dataset.